
Addition and Multiplication (Literacy in Mathematics)

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1) 10 kilometre + 10 hours = ?

The formula 1) does not make sense as each unit (time & length) is different.

This means that addition/deduction is valid only for the same unit like,

2) 10 hours + 10 hours = 20 hours

On the other hand, Multiplication and Division are applicable to different units.

3) 10 meter / 10 minutes = ?

The answer is 1 khr. And Khr is a new unit (concept) called “velocity

Unit is for concept. And Multiplication and Division are tools to create (define) new concepts. Whereas, addition/deduction are not.

Another example is

4) 10 meter * 10 meter = ?

The answer is 100 squared meter. In this case, length becomes a new concept "area".

Therefore, whatever formula in mathematics equation, say A/B + C*D. The key to understand is, A/B and C*D are the same concept (unit). “/” and “*” are operations to make the two to be the same concept (whether the equation is correct or not is a different issue).

Additionally, mathematics is a science with no unit. It is a science of numbers (concept), detached from unit (concept), so called Meta Concept. And this is the reason it can be applied to many phenomena of the nature.

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1 comment:

Naveen Arora said...

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