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In this way, IOU is money and each time participant pay by credit, contributing to “money creation” and chaining one’s credit to another.
The worst comes when the last chain connects to the first. The credit of participant relies on the one of another interdependently, results in domino structure causing the systemic failure such as the current financial meltdown.
On the other hand, when people settle by debit, there is no space for IOU and each transaction is closed not to impact one another. There is no systemic failure to be triggered with debit.
With the economic system of debit settlement, we cannot stretch out our purchasing power by credit, which means less demand in the economy. The only way to increase the demand is to increase the velocity of money circulation. That is to increase the number of transactions with the given amount of money.
The profile of the new Bretton Woods Two is yet to be known, however, it is clear that the next bubble is inevitable as long as the demand relies on credit expansion. And the country in a position to expand credit will have the strongest economic power again in the global economy and the next ground zero of financial meltdown.
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